Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Off the beaten path...

I know this is a little off the beaten path, but I thought this tidbit might be interesting. My dad forwarded me an email and some pictures of Mitt "caught" helping clean up after the fire in San Diego. The catch? No press, no campaign, and no signs. His son, who apparently lives in the area, took his dad along to help some people in their local congregation. They didn't even know he was coming. Visit my site to see the story and pictures.


Blogger David said...

Interesting, Dan, thanks for posting this. I am always very skeptical of politicians, even Romney, but I do think he's a genuine guy. I can even buy that he would be willing to help out a neighbor or an acquaintance without fanfare in the middle of a presidential race. But just barely :)

2:54 PM  
Blogger A said...

No press or signs, but the campaign definitely got a hold of it. It is posted on Mitt's Son's blog on Mitt's campaign web site under "A Day in the Life of Mitt" at http://fivebrothers.mittromney.com/

8:20 AM  

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